Monday, February 28, 2011

What we have been doing...

     Playing and making lots and lots of Bionicles.  We like to pretend our Bionicles talk about things like practicing fighting and what's wrong in their groups.

     We stayed over night at Grandma and Grandpa Rahe's house.  We went bowling, got to stay up extra late, and played Bionicles there.  We almost finished Dinosaur Land.
     I've been learning math, reading, spelling, and science.  I like adding thousands in math.  I like reading books in reading.
     We went to Mike's house and watched a parade.  We went to the Science Museum.  We looked at dinosaur bones and watched a movie at the Omnitheater.

     Getting lots and lots of Bionicles from the store.  Mostly we pretend fight with the Bionicles.
     We went sledding with Mommy at a sledding hill at the golf course.  We had hot chocolate, string cheese, and granola bars there.  We made tracks in the snow while we were sledding.  
     We learned about coral reefs that make keys, little islands, jumping beans, and magnets.  I've been learning how to write my name and other letters and letter sounds.

-Egen wants to people to tell him what they think of their newsletter.  Feel free to comment or just tell him next time you see him.  He says we'll give you some cookies if you do.

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa Rich said I am suppose to make sure and tell you how much we LOVE your newsletter...he saw the promise of cookies and got pretty excited! But really boys, this newsletter is AWESOME! You both do such a good job and we love reading about the things you are doing. Makes me miss you even more then I already do! I love you E and Q!
    Love Grandma Lisa
