Friday, November 19, 2010

Story Time

Some original stories by Egen and Quinten.
More Whoosie stories

     A story about Whoosie. Whoosie was walking on the moon when he saw two of his friends. They were Squidtron and Whoosie, who was Whoosie's sister.  They shared the same name.
     A game they played was a ice cream race on Pluto.  Whoosie, the boy, and Squidtron tied the race.
     Another game they played was moon moon alien.  It is like duck duck goose.  Whoosie, the girl, won this game. 
The End

     One time Whoosie was walking on Pluto with a jet engine.  Then Whoosie blasted off with his jet engine.  Then he saw two of his brothers, Squidtron and Squidtron.  He went into the house with Squidtron.  Then he blasted off of Mercury.
     Whoosie saw some mean guys.  He got out his sword and the mean guys got out their swords too.  Whoosie then saw his cousin when he jetted off.  The mean guys jetted back off to their planet.  Whoosie has a jet engine that looks like an air tank. 
    He then saw Squidtron and Squidtron in a mirror.  He thought there were two Squidtron, but there was only one.  Then he saw two and one of them was his sister. 
The End

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