Friday, November 19, 2010

What's Up

Here's what we've been up to for the last month.
Searching and finding animals and plants in a Science Museum exhibit.
Egen says:    

     We have been learning to tie shoes.  I forgot how to tie shoes because I have shoes with straps.  We have been learning to build models.  I've made a model too and did it almost all on my own.  It is going to be a castle of doom.  I am going to use it for a home for my army of Lego guys.  In math I can now add thousands. 

     We went to the Science Museum while we were in Minneapolis.  We saw dinosaur fossils.  We played in the new geometry playground.  We watched a Hubble telescope movie.  We got crystal from a geode.  It was purple.  We also went to the Minnesota Zoo and the Como Zoo.

     We went to the Petroglyphs because it was geology day there.  We cracked geodes, mined for chocolate chips, ran the rock cycle, looked at the petroglyphs, and I stood up in front of everybody there and talked about my rock collection. 

Quinten says:
     We got Bionicles at a book store while we were staying at a hotel in an old city.  That's where daddy used to work at.
     I've been playing with toys at preschool.  I had a snack at preschool.  Two of us were the helpers.  Helpers help get the napkins and cups out.
    We are watching Super Why and we also like Zoobomafoo.  I have been getting a lot of Froggy, Berenstein Bears, and Little Critter books from the library.
    We are going to get more candy when Halloween comes.  We got a lot of candy for this Halloween.  I dressed up like an owl.  Like an elf owl.  Egen dressed up as a wolf.  We also made cookies and carved pumpkins before Halloween.

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