Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Quinn- It's a Hero Factory 9.0 story.  The hero factory guys are trying to stop the mean guys from burning down the whole forest.  The Bionicle sets come with Breez and Surge.  The mean guys come with Fire Spray, who is the leader, and Bloodlash.  The yellow words on the picture say "Cat," "What," "Yum," "Hah."

Quinn- There's a turtle on the island.  There is a fish coming out of the water.  Also there's fern tree on the island and a wave in the water.  This one is suppose to be for mom.

Quinn- Picture of Bionicle pieces.

Quinn-  It's a Christmas Tree that was suppose to be for my mom.

Egen- Triassic Period picture.  Coelophysis is on the left.  The one drinking water is a Ple-something (dad doesn't know how to spell it and it's not showing up on Google).  It's not a dinosaur; it's just a reptile.

Egen- Jurassic period of dinosaurs.  The brown and blue one is a Dilophosaurus.  It is as fierce as a lion.  The other dinosaur is a Stegosaurus.  The dark and light blue dinosaur in the tree is an Ornitholestes.

Egen-  This one is from the Cretaceous period.  The big pink and purple one is a Tyrannosaurus.  Their teeth can grow as long and sharp as steak knives.  He is putting his foot on his meal to keep the Deltadromeus from taking it.   

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