Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Egen- My ship bot.  He turns into a ship by first folding in his arms, then sliding head first into the ship on the right, and then folds his legs around the ship.  He deliver packages.  

Quinn- Mine is the one on the far right, it helps protect Robotopolis.  It helps the battle bots fight the mean guy robots.  Egen- The big white in the back is a police officer.  The one with an antennae coming out of his head is the umbrella bot.  He makes sure everyone is following the laws at the beach.  The one laying down with a computer on his belly is a security bot.  He has a video camera head so he can record the crooks.  The crooks don't even see him cause he's in the air.  The stop sign bot keeps traffic under control.  

Quinn- All of mine (the four right most) help protect the city, Robotopolis.   Egen-  The guy in the back with the police sticker is the security officer.  He makes sure everyone is following the laws.  If they don't, he zaps them to sleep and brings them to jail.  The guy up front with the magnifying glass is the tracking officer.  He tracks villains that run away.  He hovers so he doesn't wreck footprints.  The cylinder guy in the middle is the jet wheel head bot.  He can see villains from long away.  He has an eye like an eagle.

Egen- The captain of the workers' team.  He has a giant shovel and a rope to lift heavy beams.  He won't get hit on the head because of his helmet.  He has an antennae to pick up signals from other workers.

Egen- These bots are some of the hardest working military bots.  The leader is the red jet bot.  His favorite ride is...himself.  He has jets on his feet and arms.  The blue buggy bot is the second in charge.  He can move sideways like a crab and also has claws like a crab.  His head spins around like a bug.  The black guy is mister shorty arms.  He can extend them, but chooses not to very often.  His knees can bend unlike the other bots who are not as flexible.

Quinn- He's a battle bot.  He's a good guy.  He helps Robotopolis, but he doesn't work for the city.

Egen- I made this picture of a robot out of a How-To-Draw Robots book.  He is a simple bot.

Quinn- I don't know what kind of bot he his.  I got the idea to draw him from a How-to-Draw Robots book.

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