Thursday, October 21, 2010

Going Ons

At the pumpkin patch.
     We went to the pumpkin patch.  We got a white pumpkin, a few gourds, and an orange pumpkin.  We got to play in corn and hay, some caramel apples, and a ride on a tractor.  We plan on carving the pumpkins soon.

Quinten, Kaylee, and Egen at the wedding.
      We've done a few other things like making good Bionicles, getting the candy we'll be handing out for Halloween, went to a hotel for a wedding, drew faces on gourds, made pumpkin muffins, and we are going to clean the birdcage.  Just yesterday we made and decorated Halloween cookies for our Halloween party on Saturday.  The party is all day Saturday and anyone can come if they want.
      Math, reading, and spelling have been going good.  We have been reading owls of Gahoole books, Little Critter books, and science books like a Biology, Planet Earth, and Physics book.  The books I have been reading on my own are the following: a tadpole book, a rabbit and a hare book, a cub and duck book, a dog and frog book, and a book about a boy and his water gun.  Right now I am reading a book about dolphins.


     I hammered some pumpkins at ECFE.  I like going to preschool every Friday.  I like playing with Bionicles.  The books I have been reading a lot of are Little Critter books.  I'm excited to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.


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