Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pictures and Drawings

Some pictures of recent Lego creations and drawings done by Egen and Quinten.

The blue ship is an alien ship and the black one is a space police ship. (Egen).

The black ship is an alien warship.  It is has two sets of wings so it can fly faster.  It has lots of armor on it to protect itself when it attacks the space police base.  The guy with the long neck is an alien.  The guy with the short neck and helmet on is a space police guy. (Egen)

These are physics guys.  The names you will find at the top of the square they are in. (Egen)

These are biology guys.  This group helps make life. You will find their names at the top of their box. (Egen)

Page 1 of a "guys" book.  Drawings and words designed and thought up by Quinn.  This page is a picture of Red Blood Cell guy with the word "yup" scattered on it.

Size guy. 

Sun and Waves guys.  Sun guy has sunglasses on and the caption under waves guy notes that putting your dog in a microWAVE is not a good idea.

Scanner chopped off edge, but should say "Speed" as in speed guy.  And also reads, "You don't want to race me," at the top.

Cheek Cell guy.

Fast guy.  Reads at top, "You want to have a race with me."

What you see is a Compsognathus.  It is a carnivore and it's name means pretty jaw.  Right now it is hunting for a mouse. (Egen)

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