Wednesday, October 20, 2010


These are two stories that Quinten and I thought up.

Egen's Story
One day Whooshie was walking around the moon when he got an idea.  He decided to carve a pumpkin, because it was almost Halloween on the moon.  So he went to the pumpkin moon place and he found a big fat one and its stem looked like Whooshie’s head.  Once he got his pumpkin, he took it home and carved it.  Its eyes were moon shaped, with a triangle nose, a smiley mouth, and a tongue sticking out.   Halloween came a week later.  Whooshie went trick or treating on the moon.  He went to Sharkie’s house.   He went to Saber’s house.  He also went to his brother’s house.  His brother’s name is Squidtron.  Then he went back home and all those aliens came to his house.  The End.

Quinten's Story
Once upon a time Whooshie was walking on the Earth when he got an idea.  He wanted to meet Saber.  Saber is really happy.  Whooshie went to Saber’s house, but he wasn’t there.  So Whooshie called him.  Then Saber came back to his house.  Then they played games.  Then Whooshie went to the moon pumpkin patch.  Then he went  trick or treating at Sharkie’s house, Saber’s house, and even his brother’s house, Squidtron.  Then all of those aliens came to his house.  His carved pumpkin had eyes like White Tail and he carved the nose to look like Black Knight.  The End.

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