Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ziplock and Krona

Some more entertaining stories from E and Q...

Egen- Ziplock, his ship, Ziplock Zipper, and the guy he fights, Nightwatch.

Ziplock was flying in his spaceship when he noticed there was a smell in the air that wasn't usually there.  He thought it smelled like star gas.  Suddenly he knew what was the problem.  Nightwatch was coming.  He was like a friend of the night.  He liked the night so much, he smelled like stars.  So Ziplock flew to where the smell was coming from.  It was a cave shaped like the moon.  It was Nightwatch's favorite hideout.  Nightwatch slept during the day and was awake at night.  So he was probably sleeping right now, but that was good.  Now Ziplock could come in and put him in a tank.  That's just what he did. 

Quinn- Krona
A bionicle was walking in a forest.  Her name was Krona.  Then she saw a mean guy.  She knew just what to do.  First, she turned his head the wrong way so that he wasn't facing her.  Next, she found out that he wasn't really like a bionicle.  He was a ghost bionicle.  They're dead bionicles.  Then she found something to use to fight him.  It was a really old weapon that some bionicle used a long time ago.  Then she went back to the ghost to defeat him with the weapon she found.

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