Thursday, March 31, 2011

Learning by games with Daddy.

We played Stratego and then learned about the Revolutionary War. Here are the pages of a book we made about the war.

Quinn- Boston Tea Party

Egen- It's the Boston Tea Party.  They are throwing cartons of tea over the boat.  The king wanted them to pay extra taxes on tea.  
Quinn- Paul Revere riding his horse to tell the Americans that the British were coming.
Egen- Here's the battles of Lexington and Concord. 

Quinn- George Washington riding his horse with his army.  There is an army guy and flag too.

Egen- The sharpshooters shooting down from the trees.  They shot the Indian guides first and then the British officers. 

Quinn- The battle of Yorktown.  That's them shooting their balls.  The Americans won.

Egen- George Washington becoming the first President.

Monsters made out of sculpey, inspired by the game Fearsome Floors.  Stories were made for the monsters.  Also, classic monster and mythical creature stories were read.  We read about Pegasus, Naga, Minotaur, Feathered Snake, Frankenstein, Dragons, Unicorns, and others.

This lesson was inspired by the game, Forbidden Island.  We learned about islands, peninsulas, and different types of islands like keys, atolls, and islets.  Here is a picture of some of the kinds of islands we learned about that we drew.

 Not a lesson based on a game.  A graph I made to show how many pockets everyone had.  The one on the right shows how many people had each number of pockets.  (This lesson was Egen's last in his 1st grade math book, he's now onto 2nd grade math!)

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