Thursday, March 31, 2011

Science with Mommy

We put a damp paper towel and a dry paper towel in a shoe box.  We put two worms in the box and put the lid on the box.  Then we waiting five minutes, opened the box and saw which paper towel the worms went on.

We were making observations about the worms.  We found they no ears, eyes, or noses and that they were red.  The fat part of the worm is the head part of the worm.

They squirt out slime.  If they have dark spots on them, that's the food going through them.

I'm picking apart an owl pellet.  We found two skulls and two jaw bones in them.  We found lots of leg bones too.  We printed out a chart of different kind of bones that owls eat and matched ours with it.  Our owl pellets had bird bones, mouse, and rodent bones.

This a bone from the owl pellet.  I think it was from a little baby bird that couldn't fly. 

Quinn- Having fun doing magnetic science with Mommy. 

Quinn- Egen has lots of magnetic things on his magnet.  Iron makes everything magnetic.  Not everything has iron in it.

Quinn- Taping all the things that are magnetic on my chart.

More taping

Egen- The left side has magnetic things, the other side has non-magnetic things. 

Quinn- The side with the silverware on it is magnetic, the other side is not magnetic.

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