Friday, July 1, 2011

Hanging out with Nathan

Egen- Playing at the Science Museum in Denver with Nathan.  Quinn- That's sand from Mars.  Its suppose to show how Mars was covered by water and eroded.

Quinn- I'm dressed up as an astronaut.  I have a grabber to grab rocks. 

Quinn- I'm driving a space ship.  That's Nathan behind me.

Egen- This shows how tall I would be next to a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Quinn-  I don't like to smile sometimes.  I'm on a pirate.  We didn't see the pirate exhibit.  I did see a worker that was dressed up like a pirate.  My favorite exhibit was the dinosaur fossils.  Egen- I like all of it, especially the gift shop.

Quinn- Me eating cherries.  I'm at Nathan's house.  Aunt Ann brought the cherries.  Egen- I liked to play with Nathan's marble thingy.

Egen- That is a bridge a train would go over.  We saw it on one of our hikes that we went on with Nathan and his family.

Quinn-  That's the electricity hydro-plant (that's Quinn trying to say hydroelectric plant, close). 

Quinn- Eating.  I had yummy french toast. It was so windy that things were tipping over on the table.  Egen- Eating waffles. 

Egen-  At a park after one of our hikes.  I love tire swings.  Quinn-  The tire swing was our secret hideout.

Egen-  Nathan likes to chew on his strap.  It stops him from getting hungry.  Quinn- We are resting on one of our hikes.

Egen- Throwing rocks into the water and it was really fun. 

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