Friday, July 1, 2011

Our vacation

Egen- That's a mammoth leg bone.  It's taller than me.  This was at the mammoth site.  That's where you can watch people dig up mammoth fossils. 

Egen- Here we were excavating mammoth fossils.  They weren't real fossils, they were casts.  Quinn- The fossil we found was a mammoth tusk.  I liked doing it, but it was really hard work cause it was really long.  

Quinn- I had to stop at this rest stop to throw up.  We also wanted to pick some flowers out.  Being car sick was my least favorite thing about the trip.

Egen- That's snow on top of a mountain.  It was on one of our hiking trips.

Quinn-  I liked the snow 100% sure (I'm not 100% sure what that means).  It was fun to see the snow. 

Egen- We are throwing rocks into the river again and collecting them too.  I'd say we collected about 35 rocks on the whole trip, maybe more,...probably more than that. 

Quinn- Walking by the waterfall.  I just liked it.  Egen-  We're standing by a waterfall on one of our hikes.  I really liked it and the day was kinda hot.

Egen-It's a picture of me by a big rock on the waterfall trail we hiked.

Quinn- Playing in the sand.  We were making a field jacket on big rocks in the sand.

Quinn- Playing the car card game.  A racing game.  I like it cause Egen and I always beat daddy.

Egen- We found a leaf bead in one of the geocaching spots we discovered.

Quinn-  Friendly the Fox always came by our house in the mountains.  And, friendly the moose too (see below.)

Egen- This is Friendly the Moose.  We took a picture of him outside our house in the mountains.  We actually took lots of pictures of him. 

Egen- This is all of us on our horses.  The horses names are: (left to right) Roscoe, Boss Hog, Little Joe, and we can't remember the last one. 

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