Monday, January 10, 2011



One day a Toa was walking around, her name was Gali.  Something caught her eye.  It was a Skrall walking
around the cliffs.  Once the Skrall noticed Gali, it decided to fight her.  The fight went well for Gali.  She defeated the Skrall.  Then she walked away.  The way she defeated the Skrall went like this- when the Skrall tried to slash one of her feet off, she jumped away and sliced his head off when he was looking the wrong way.


There was a Toa, who was an ice bionicle, walking in the forest.  His name is Icer.  Then he saw a Bohrok.  He thought it was a Bohrok, but actually it was a good guy walking on lava.  He was actually sliding on lava with lava skis.  Then he saw a real Bohrok.  Then he saw something running on a grassy cliff. Then he saw another Bionicle on it.  It was a mean guy.  He was riding on a driving thing.  When the mean guy saw him, he stopped to fight him.  Then the good guy stepped up to fight him.  Icer defeated the Bohrok by taking the mask off his head; he opened his head up.  He threw the mask at the guy on the cart to defeat him.

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