Monday, January 10, 2011

What we've been up to.


     We had a lot of food at Christmas.  We have kind of a bare Christmas tree, because it didn't have a lot of needles.
  It was the only tall one left at Runnings.  We decorated it with lots of decorations.  We went to both grandmas' and grandpas'  houses for Christmas.  I played with Quinn, we had a lot of fun. The best thing was getting all of the presents like the mining rig.  I don't know where it is right now, oh, it's upstairs.  Thank you everyone for the presents! We spent a day outside in the snow with mommy building a fort, sledding down our sidewalk hill, and knocking down icicles.

     This month I want to get 199 Bionicles and play with them all in one day.  I also want to make a Bionicle play along with some other plays, play legos, make some tinfoil costumes, and do a magic show.



     We had a big meal at Thanksgiving.  We had turkey, bread, and desserts.  I don't remember what they were.  I got a toy at my preschool Christmas party.  It was Duplo Cars car and forklift.  The present I brought was a dinosaur egg.  I had fun meeting other people at the bowling alley.  We were there to meet our cousins.  Santa came to our house.  He dropped off some presents and ate some cookies and peppermints. We made a gingerbread house for Christmas and then we ate it yesterday.
     This month I would like to play a game of Mousetrap.  I also want to play Legos, Bionicles, and Transformers.  I want to watch the Hero Factory movie too.  And thanks for the presents!

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