Monday, January 10, 2011


Here are some of our recent creations.

They are dinosaurs that lived a long time ago (Quinn).

A picture of my favorite fairy from Fablehaven, Shiara (Egen).
Me showing how to put together Lava Dirt, a Bionicle (Quinn).
Lava Dirt all put together.
A flying guy, who is really good at flying.
Hero Factory guy, by Egen.

Picture of a Hero Factory guy drawn by Egen.

Mean Mata Nui guy created by Egen.

Bionicle Skrall with a poison tube hooked up to his blade.

I made this suit of armor for Quinn (Egen).

You can see the feather darts made by both Egen and Quinn.

All of Quinn's guys and Egen's guys made the other day.
Egen showing how to put together Shiver.

Shiver all put together.

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