Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cool stuff to turn in to the Collection Gallery

The Collection Gallery at the Science Museum is basically a big, long  hallway with lots of collections of nature stuff and other things in it.
At the far end of it is the Collection Corner where you can turn in nature stuff you've found, talk about what it is, and get points that you can use to "buy" other nature stuff.  Quinn and I recently traded in a wasp gall and a geode along with information about them.
Quinn- This is a a gall from a Gall Wasp.  They make the galls on plants and then lay their eggs in them.  The larva eats its way out of the gall.  I turned a wasp gall in to the Collection Gallery at the Science Museum for points.
Quinn- This is a picture of Goldenrods I made.  I made this picture to show the Collection Gallery at the Science Museum what plants my wasp gall was from.

Egen- A picture of a geode book I made.  The picture on the book is a geode with some purple amethyst crystals in it.  I have this rock at home.  I turned in a much smaller geode that didn't have green rock on the outside.

Egen- A page of my book showing a completely solid geode, called nodules.

Egen- This page says "Outside of geodes is limestone, inside is quartz."

Egen- This one reads, "Ground water feeds minerals into hollow rocks and crystals form."

Egen- This one says, "Most geodes contain clear quartz some have purple amethyst crystals."
Egen and Quinn- This is the stuff we spent out points on at the Collection Corner.  The two flat ones are Quinn's.  They are agates.  The middle one is mine; it is a geode slice that has been polished and made into a bead (has a hole drilled through side).  The next one is a snail shell.  The last one is a rock of calcite.  
Egen- This is  me by my geode book in the Collection Corner.  They put my book on display there. 

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