Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Collection - by Egen

I'm turning my room into a museum.  And my collections there are my rock collection, my bird collection, my plant collection, my worm collection, my shell collection, my magnetic collection, and my extras collection.
  My extras collection is a mix of all my different collections that I couldn't fit in my museum, so I put them my storeroom - which would be my closet.  My animals (stuffed) are the other things that go in my closet.  They eat breakfast and sometimes sleep in my closet.  But only 5 of my animals do that:  BooBoo, Whitetail, Batty, Snowstorm, and Noisy.  Noisy is a wolf, and I just got him from the Science Museum's gift shop, where I also got my purple crystal and my dyed quartz, which is red and kind of clear too.  I spent my money on my quartz.  BooBoo gets his stuff by earning money too.  By reading an extra word at spelling time, or being extra extra patient at concentrating time.  If he does one of those things, it's really special, then he gets one quarter from my money.  He can decide what to get with that.  Even though he can't go into the store, he can tell me what he wants.  He usually gets chicken legs at Tauers, or another toy he can talk with at Runnings.  He loves signs about chickens, or anything that's brown or black.  His favorite thing for me to get him at the Science Museum is brown polished rocks.  He likes to do a study about how different rocks are different colors when he polishes them.  He also likes to study my brownish minnow in my room.  I have a minnow and betta fish in my room in separate tanks so they don't fight and I don't mix up their food.  My favorite collection is the crystal collection, which is part of my rock collection.  My rock collection is my biggest collection.  It takes up most of my room and I still have some left over bags of rocks in my closet.  My other favorite collection is my geode, agate, and quartz collection.  Also, a collection I forgot to tell you about in the beginning - my experiments collection.  It even has snow in it.  One of my experiments really stinks - that's why I keep it up high on my shelf.  I have to be really careful with my shell collection so that it doesn't break or cut me.  I have lots of clam and mussel shells, and lots of zebra mussel shells.  My favorite shell is one that looks like a "C" with lots of grooves on the point and it's blue, black, and brown.  There's another shell I like the same amount - I got it from the Science Museum.  It's a really neat snail shell.  I don't think a hermit crab could use it.  My bug collection has lots of bugs in it.  Three live butterflies that we keep in the bathroom so Cordy doesn't know over the cage and try to eat them.  We have lots more dead bugs than live bugs.  I have a cricket, a great diving beetle, which I just got, two butterflies, ladybugs and boxelder bugs.  My favorite things in my collections are my purple crystal from a geode.  I used to have a book about geodes, but I turned it in so that I could get my shell and polished geode bead I talked about earlier.  I also love my geode that has white crystals that look like snow and has a spirally pattern.  I absolutely love it.  Another thing I love is my purple amethyst geode with purple puffy crystals.  Most geodes have white crystals.

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