Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alone time with Mommy

Quinn and I each had a day alone with mommy and daddy. We have pictures from our days with mommy. Quinn went to the history center and I went with mommy to collect things by the river. Quinn and daddy played games all day when I went with mommy to the river. Daddy helped me write a book for a contest when Quinn went to the history center with mommy.

Quinn- We ate at Quiznos before going to the history museum.

What we've been playing

Egen-  A picture of the upstairs porch which use to be really messy that me and Quinn picked up by ourselves without anyone telling us to.  We made it into an animal city.

Bionicle Creations

Some more Bionicle creations, pictures taken by Egen.

Egen- Hero Factory guy, whose powers are energy.  My favorite hero factory guy.  I've had him together for a pretty long time.

Minnesota State Fair

We visited the state fair, which Egen said is like a big food party.

Egen- Eating cookies at the State Fair.  They were tasty.  Their chocolate chips were really melted and messy.  We had the cookies before we had lunch.