Thursday, September 1, 2011

What we've been playing

Egen-  A picture of the upstairs porch which use to be really messy that me and Quinn picked up by ourselves without anyone telling us to.  We made it into an animal city.

Quinn- A picture of part of the hamster tunnels.  The three hamsters in it are Rivet, Sandstone, Rocko.

Egen-  This is a picture of our hamster town and some of the buildings from stuff animal town. 

Egen-  This is a picture of most of stuff animal town.  Boo Boo, my fox, lives in one of the cupboards of the refrigerator.  Whitetail lives in another part of the refrigerator.  Snowstorm, my huskie, and my koala live in the bottom part.  Quinn-  My hedgehog, named Hedgehog, lives on the third shelf of the shelf.  My monkey lives on the top shelf.

Egen-  We are starting a Target in our room.  These are the Bionicles we are selling so far. 

Egen-  These are some of the things we are using to put the prices on the Bionicles.  You can't really buy anything.  You pretend to buy it with pretend money. 
Egen- This is a picture of a forest I made for Quinn's lizard.  It is called Jungle Zoo. 

Egen-  This is Dolphin's home that we are creating for him.  He got most the stuff from his birthday party.  His favorite food is fish and lemon sandwiches. 

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