Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alone time with Mommy

Quinn and I each had a day alone with mommy and daddy. We have pictures from our days with mommy. Quinn went to the history center and I went with mommy to collect things by the river. Quinn and daddy played games all day when I went with mommy to the river. Daddy helped me write a book for a contest when Quinn went to the history center with mommy.

Quinn- We ate at Quiznos before going to the history museum.

Quinn-  Making a funny face, that's it. 

Quinn- Climbing out of the corn tunnel.

Quinn-  That's on one of the trampolines. 

Quinn-  I colored the things on this silly hat.

Quinn- That's me in an old fashion bus.

Quinn-  That's me putting gigantic coins into a gigantic piggy bank.

Quinn-  Me eating rainbow dipping dots. 
Egen-  Me looking for shells in the river.

Egen-  Some butterflies mommy saw near the woods beside the river.

Egen-  Me eating Subway for lunch.  My favorite.

Egen-  A katydid me and mommy found.

Egen-  This is a big beetle that I saw when we were hiking.  He did not like being trapped.

Egen-  Me taking notes on my discoveries.

Egen-  Me finding a geocache. 

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