Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bionicle Creations

Some more Bionicle creations, pictures taken by Egen.

Egen- Hero Factory guy, whose powers are energy.  My favorite hero factory guy.  I've had him together for a pretty long time.

Egen- He's a Rocshee.  His powers are energy. 

Egen- He's in charge of the Bohrok.  He's a dragon with fire powers.

Egen- He is a Bohrok buggy.  He uses a weapon for his horn.  His powers are shadow.

Egen- He is a shadow crawler half-breed.  He once was a hero factory, but was turned into a shadow crawler.  His powers are shadow and he can turn good guys into mean guys.

Egen-  His name is Waspix.  He is very funny.  He is very good at making robots and helps the hero factory guys.  Has the powers of a wasp.

Egen- He is a shadow flyer half-breed.  His powers turning good guys into mean guys.  He can fly.

Egen- He is a shadow crawler.  He sometimes walks on two legs and sometimes four, but usually two.  He loves to hide in the shadows.

Egen- He is a shadow flyer.  He hides in cracks and on trees.

Egen-  He is a Bohrok.  The species of Bohrok is Shadrok.  His powers are shadow and his name is Pinchers.

Egen- His name is Raja.  He helps the hero factory guys.  A good friend to Waspix.  Really good at punching.

Quinn- The guys that is really spikey on the third step up is a Piraka.  His power is swamps and shadow.  His favorite place to hide is in the shadows.  He's the leader of the Piraka.  Egen- This is the group of guys who are ruled by Makuta.  He is on the bottom step with the ball shooter.  His powers are shadow.

Egen- This is a picture of the group led by Waspix.  The group is made up of Waspix, Raja, and Nex.  Nex's has Tiger powers.  Raja has the power of Gorilla.

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