Thursday, September 1, 2011

Minnesota State Fair

We visited the state fair, which Egen said is like a big food party.

Egen- Eating cookies at the State Fair.  They were tasty.  Their chocolate chips were really melted and messy.  We had the cookies before we had lunch.

Quinn-  A person showing a bee hive.  A hive has one queen.  The queen they showed had a red dot painted on it.

Egen- Me eating my corndog for lunch that I really liked - almost as much as I liked the cookies. 

Quinn- I really really really really really really like corndogs.  That face means I really like something.

Quinn- It's me resting on the bench.  I was tired from walking.  My face was almost maroon.  Egen- Quinn sleeping on the bench while mommy gets her ribbon. 

Egen- Me, Quinn, and mommy getting ready to ride on a roller coaster.  It was my favorite ride.  Quinn-  The roller coaster was my first favorite ride.

Quinn- This was also my first favorite ride.  Egen-  It was my second favorite.

Egen- Me and Quinn eating cheese curds.  I really like the face Quinn is making.  He may just have a really full mouth.  The cheese curds were my least favorite food, but I still liked them a lot.

Egen- Quinn waiting for the horse to get close enough so he can pet him.  We saw horses, cows, goats, and sheep.

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