Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin patch

Egen- We're playing in the corn boat at the pumpkin patch (Holmberg Orchards).

Egen- Me getting buried in corn.  The corn was in my socks all day.

Quinn- I'm being buried in the corn.

Quinn- I'm about jump off a hay bale.  

Egen- Me and mommy on the porch of the store.

Quinn- Sitting on the hay ride.  There was lots of people there. 

Egen- Cucumber beetles on a pumpkin.  There were beetles everywhere.  We could hardly find a pumpkin without beetles on it.  Quinn-  It had lots of bug bites in it.

Quinn- Me and my pumpkin.  I choose this one cause didnt have any bug bites.  It was the one I liked the most.  It had no bugs on it.

Egen- Us at the pumpkin patch sitting on a pile of pumpkins.  We lots of gourds and 3 pumpkins at the pumpkin patch.  

Quinn- Me and Egen getting our picture taken on a rock in front of a garden.

Quinn- Us eating caramel apples in the car on our way home.  Caramel apples are my favorite part of going to the pumpkin patch.

Egen- Me and Quinn by our scarecrow that we made.  His head is a pillowcase and he's stuffed with leaves.  His hat falls off all the time.  It would have blown away if it wasn't pinned on.  

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