Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some cool pictures drawn by Quinn

Recent drawings by Quinn.

It's a Bionicle set, Surge 3.0 (Quinn wrote Surge on left side).  That's a tree next to it.  The black thing is Witch Doctor's foot.

It's a gas Rock-shee.  It has gas weapons in his hands.

Picture of Plants vs. Zombie guys.  The top row is pictures of spike plants.  The bottom row is all sorts of mushrooms.

All sorts of pea shooters from Plants vs. Zombies.  In order from left to right, top to bottom:  Two Pea (shoots two peas at a time), Missile Pea, Frozen Pea, Two Frozen Pea, Missile Frozen Pea (shoots four  frozen peas at a time), Regular Frozen Pea, Regular Pea Shooter, (on far right) a Three Frozen Missile Pea and a Three Pea.

All sorts of magical creatures.  They are rock monsters and sea serpents.  (from left to right) King of the Sea Serpents, the Claw Sea Serpent, the Ocean Serpent-every time it attacks it sprays venom at its enemy, a regular Sea Serpent - every time it strikes it sprays acid at its enemy, Fire Rock Monster, Water Rock Monster, Giganto Water Rock Monster. 

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