Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Random events

A few things we've been doing and places we've gone in the last two months.

Egen- Playing soccer.

Quinn- That's me playing soccer.  I'm trying to get the ball.  

Quinn- I think there were 5 people on my team.  I had one coach.  I liked throw-ins the most.  I liked scoring goals too.

Egen- Me trying to get the ball.  I learned how to run backwards, dribble a ball with your feet, how to do throw-ins, how to do corner and goal kicks.  

Quinn- This the dance at Angie's wedding.  We are dancing with mommy.  I liked the candy from the candy table best about the wedding.

Egen- Quinn and I wore the same clothes because we were in the wedding together.  We were the ring-bearers.  We had to carry the rings up on a pillow, but they weren't the real rings.  I don't remember what song this was in the picture.   

Egen- This was at grandma Irma's apartment in Iowa for her birthday.  

Quinn- I think I fell asleep reading a little critter book.  

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