Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Egen-  We went camping in a cabin at Glacial Lakes State Park.  This is me eating my breakfast of dinosaur egg oatmeal.  We always have dinosaur egg oatmeal when we go camping.
Quinn- We are bundled up in our bed to stay warm.  We are having some juice because we didn't have any juice for breakfast and peanut butter sandwiches.

Quinn-  We found a geocache.  We found a polished rock in it.

Quinn-  We are playing Camp.  I was always rolling sixes.  

Quinn- Me on a fallen tree.  It was at our campsite in a kinda forest canyon.  There was black on it; I think it was a fungus.  

Quinn- Us by the fire.  We are roasting marshmallows.  This my favorite part about camping.

Egen- Me standing on a dock looking at the water.  There were lots of big lilly pads.  

Egen- Me and mommy in some tall grass.  Quinn took the picture.  We caught a grasshopper in the grass.

Egen- Me and Quinn by our gigantic leaf pile that's as tall as Quinn.  We jumped and buried Quinn in the piles.

Egen- Me playing cards against mommy.  Quinn is on my team.  We like to team up against mommy and daddy in games.  I won.

Egen-  Me roasting marshmallows at the campfire.  I roasted 3 or 4 or 5 in all.  We had to collect our own wood because the place where you get your wood had no one there to buy it from.  I tried to keep the fire going as long as I could with leaves.  

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