Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Science Museum and funny picture

Egen- I'm at the Science Museum at the collections corner.  You can bring some nature thing in there and then you tell the people there about it.  They give you points based on how much you know about the thing you bring in.  You then buy stuff there with the points.  I turned in a book about zebra mussels and some zebra mussels.  I wrote and drew the book on my own.  Zebra mussels are invasive, meaning they don't belong here and are bad.  They can kill other mussels by attaching onto them.  I used my points to buy a beaver skull.

More Awesome Creations from Egen

All pictures taken by Egen and all creations completely original works by him.

A Space Police capture ship.  

Random events

A few things we've been doing and places we've gone in the last two months.

Egen- Playing soccer.


Egen-  We went camping in a cabin at Glacial Lakes State Park.  This is me eating my breakfast of dinosaur egg oatmeal.  We always have dinosaur egg oatmeal when we go camping.

Some cool pictures drawn by Quinn

Recent drawings by Quinn.

It's a Bionicle set, Surge 3.0 (Quinn wrote Surge on left side).  That's a tree next to it.  The black thing is Witch Doctor's foot.

Pumpkin patch

Egen- We're playing in the corn boat at the pumpkin patch (Holmberg Orchards).