Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Science Museum and funny picture

Egen- I'm at the Science Museum at the collections corner.  You can bring some nature thing in there and then you tell the people there about it.  They give you points based on how much you know about the thing you bring in.  You then buy stuff there with the points.  I turned in a book about zebra mussels and some zebra mussels.  I wrote and drew the book on my own.  Zebra mussels are invasive, meaning they don't belong here and are bad.  They can kill other mussels by attaching onto them.  I used my points to buy a beaver skull.

More Awesome Creations from Egen

All pictures taken by Egen and all creations completely original works by him.

A Space Police capture ship.  

Random events

A few things we've been doing and places we've gone in the last two months.

Egen- Playing soccer.


Egen-  We went camping in a cabin at Glacial Lakes State Park.  This is me eating my breakfast of dinosaur egg oatmeal.  We always have dinosaur egg oatmeal when we go camping.

Some cool pictures drawn by Quinn

Recent drawings by Quinn.

It's a Bionicle set, Surge 3.0 (Quinn wrote Surge on left side).  That's a tree next to it.  The black thing is Witch Doctor's foot.

Pumpkin patch

Egen- We're playing in the corn boat at the pumpkin patch (Holmberg Orchards).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alone time with Mommy

Quinn and I each had a day alone with mommy and daddy. We have pictures from our days with mommy. Quinn went to the history center and I went with mommy to collect things by the river. Quinn and daddy played games all day when I went with mommy to the river. Daddy helped me write a book for a contest when Quinn went to the history center with mommy.

Quinn- We ate at Quiznos before going to the history museum.

What we've been playing

Egen-  A picture of the upstairs porch which use to be really messy that me and Quinn picked up by ourselves without anyone telling us to.  We made it into an animal city.

Bionicle Creations

Some more Bionicle creations, pictures taken by Egen.

Egen- Hero Factory guy, whose powers are energy.  My favorite hero factory guy.  I've had him together for a pretty long time.

Minnesota State Fair

We visited the state fair, which Egen said is like a big food party.

Egen- Eating cookies at the State Fair.  They were tasty.  Their chocolate chips were really melted and messy.  We had the cookies before we had lunch.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quinn's experiment

Quinn-  Instructions on how to do an air experiment.  The experiment tries to push the cap on and off of the bottle.

Adventures in Iowa

Egen-  Me and Zane looking at the alpacas.  I remember that you need to have at least two alpacas because they're herd animals.

Hamster story continued

Sediment said that Sandfur and Limefur (previously known as "Lionfur") were both going to learn where

Lego and Bionicle Creations

Egen- The name of the set is UFO Defense Truck.  It is the biggest thing we've ever made.  It has a jet that connects to the top of the trailer.  A white truck connects onto the back of it.  It has a lab, a weaponry, a cab, and a tracking room to track aliens.  The white guys an alien clinger remover.  He works in the lab on the truck.  He removes alien clingers from the blue guys.  Alien clingers are small aliens a little bigger than a Lego guy's head and they cling to the Lego guys head.  They have chemicals that turn them into mean guy aliens.  Quinn- The blue guys are ADUs.  It stands for Alien Defense Unit. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Our vacation

Egen- That's a mammoth leg bone.  It's taller than me.  This was at the mammoth site.  That's where you can watch people dig up mammoth fossils. 

Hamster Stories

Hanging out with Nathan

Egen- Playing at the Science Museum in Denver with Nathan.  Quinn- That's sand from Mars.  Its suppose to show how Mars was covered by water and eroded.

Badlands Visit

Egen- This was picture was taken in the Badlands on one of the trails we were walking.  It was windy and cool that day.  I was trying to stay warm in the picture.  Quinn- This is the Badlands, it was windy. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Butterfly Hatching

At Easter we got a butterfly habitat.  It is a big cage with netting for walls.  We ordered some Painted Lady caterpillars and they were delivered by mail.

My New Transformer - by Quinn

I bought my new transformer yesterday.  I payed for it from putting the dishes where they're supposed to be.

My Collection - by Egen

I'm turning my room into a museum.  And my collections there are my rock collection, my bird collection, my plant collection, my worm collection, my shell collection, my magnetic collection, and my extras collection.

Cool stuff to turn in to the Collection Gallery

The Collection Gallery at the Science Museum is basically a big, long  hallway with lots of collections of nature stuff and other things in it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Happenings

  We've been doing a few things this spring.  We went to Grandma and Grandpa Meyer's house for Easter.  We also went to Grandma and Grandpa Rahe's house for Easter.  Uncle Scott, uncle Kyle, and Kaylie were there too.  At the Meyers we got some airplanes, spinners, and candy from the Easter Bunny.  We played with our planes, spinners, and also ate supper there.  At the Rahes we ate lunch, got some stuff from the Easter Bunny, and went on an Easter egg hunt.

Quinn- Had my birthday party.  This is me and my cake (thanks Amber).


     Bobby was walking on the seafloor.  He was walking on the seafloor with his yellow suit.  Bobby used to be a yucky creature scientist.

Bird Lesson

Pick Picknic is one our favorite games and good for talking about birds.


Some brand new creations from the imaginations of Egen and Quinn.


Quinn- I am draining an egg.  I had fun dying Easter eggs. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Science with Mommy

We put a damp paper towel and a dry paper towel in a shoe box.  We put two worms in the box and put the lid on the box.  Then we waiting five minutes, opened the box and saw which paper towel the worms went on.

Learning by games with Daddy.

We played Stratego and then learned about the Revolutionary War. Here are the pages of a book we made about the war.

Quinn- Boston Tea Party

How to make a pine cone feeder.

Ziplock and Krona

Some more entertaining stories from E and Q...

Egen- Ziplock, his ship, Ziplock Zipper, and the guy he fights, Nightwatch.

Our recent Lego and Bionicle creations and drawings

Egen- He is my Bionicle Meltdown 2.0.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What we have been doing...

     Playing and making lots and lots of Bionicles.  We like to pretend our Bionicles talk about things like practicing fighting and what's wrong in their groups.

This month in science...

These are pictures of science lessons we have been doing. In this lesson we learned about jumping beans. We learned that jumping beans jump because of the larva inside them. They jump the most in the light because they like to get away from the sun and into the shade. They would burn up otherwise.

Testing the jumping beans to see how many jumps they do on the floor in five minutes.

Solar System VIdeo

Here's a little Solar System scratch program that


Come and join us for two original stories told by Egen and Quinn...

Bionicle Instructions-Tashanok

Egen's Tashanok
All Bionicle instructions were photographed by Egen.

Bionicle Instructions - Surge

Quinten's Surge

Bionicle Instructions - Smarshh

Egen's Smarshh

Bionicle Instructions - Geocrack

Quinn's Geocrack

Bionicle Instructions - Swirler

Egen's Swirler

Bionicle Instructions - Drole

Quinn's Drole

Monday, January 10, 2011

What we've been up to.


     We had a lot of food at Christmas.  We have kind of a bare Christmas tree, because it didn't have a lot of needles.


Here are some of our recent creations.

They are dinosaurs that lived a long time ago (Quinn).

Bionicle Movie




One day a Toa was walking around, her name was Gali.  Something caught her eye.  It was a Skrall walking

Book Reviews